Hi, My name is Kate Thomas, owner of On Track Horsemanship.

Ever since I was a little girl I have always had a passion for horses. My father would take me to the local stables for lead-line pony rides. My family didn't have horses growing up so I did what I could to be around them as much as possible. Once I was a little too big for the leadline pony rides I took to trail riding in the mountain ranges of northern Colorado. I realized pretty quickly that I wasn't getting enough out of just sitting on a horse that was following another horses rump on those very typical nose-to-butt trail rides. Like most young children, I wanted to go faster and have more control of the animal. My folks found a horse riding instructor nearby and I began taking lessons. From there, I wanted to learn everything I could about horsemanship. I went to clinics, watched YouTube, RFD-TV (educational clips from many famous names), and studied as much as I could from reading books and magazines.
Once my folks realized I wasn't giving up on my passion for horses, we moved to acreage where I was able to get my first two horses, Ben and Walker. I continued lessons for a while until I had what I thought was a good handle on my horsemanship skills. I'd ride daily, but not always using the softest touch. As many wise trainers have said, the horse is the best teacher and I firmly believe that it was my time with my beloved Ben that taught me how to become softer and more understanding of the horses mind and body language. Of course, it took Ben a few years to get through my stubbornness, but he eventually did and am I ever thankful for that special horse's patience with me over the years!
From 2007 to 2010 I worked for a Friesian horse farm, Blumenthal Friesians. I gained a world of knowledge within the Friesian horse breed from breeding, raising foals, helping with training them to drive and ride for pleasure and show as well as general stable maintenance. There are so many fond memories with the wonderful Friesian people and their horses. I will forever be grateful for the experiences they gave me.
In 2010, I founded Owl Canyon Horse Services where we offered Horse Summer Camps for kids, Riding Lessons, some clinics, and boarding. After years of helping novice to intermediate riders become more skilled, running summer camps for kids, and continuing to expand my knowledge base by attending clinics and taking lessons, as well as reading, studying videos, and more importantly; working hands on with a wide variety of horses; I decided I wanted to create more focus on the relationship aspect of the horse-human interaction. My desire is for people have a safer and more enjoyable equine experience from start to finish by creating a solid foundation based on understanding, trust, love and respect. So I transitioned Owl Canyon Horse services to On-Track Horsemanship to create lasting horse-human connections through simple techniques and practical principles.
In 2021, we moved from Wellington Colorado to Marana Arizona. On Track Horsemanship is in its regrowth stage in our beautiful new desert home. We have a stunning location with lovely facilities that we look forward to sharing with locals and travelers alike! Please reach out for your horsemanship needs or explore the rest of the website for current services and prices.
Training and Instruction History:
20+ Years Riding Horses (via Riding lessons as well as riding friends and personal horses)
15+ Years Training horses.
13+ Years Instructing riding lessons for both children and adults.
13+ Years Coaching people in the training of their own horses.
Since 2007 I have trained many horses with behavioral problems including bolting, rearing, flipping over backwards, not standing still while being mounted, head tossing, pulling back when tied, crow hopping, spooking, and a few with light bucking issues. I have also helped their owners understand the cause of these behaviors, how to overcome the issues, and how to be safe in unpredicable situations. Over the years, I have learned how to train horses to give to pressure, be calm while tied, be confident in scary situations, look to their handler for leadership, and more, by putting myself in the horses shoes to understand their emotions and reactions to be able to train them with a kind and understanding perspective. In 2010, I started focusing on teaching lessons for all around horsemanship including how to handle a horse safely from the ground; to riding with a balanced and strong seat. I continue to help people with their own horses whether it be behavioral issues or improving groundwork or riding skills as well as offering lessons with my horses to those who don't have their own or need to practice with a horse that is already knowledgeable and safe.
On Track Horsemanship strives to simplify and resolve the language barrier between horse and human so that you can stay on track with your horsemanship.
We look forward to helping you achieve your horsemanship goals. Please don't hestitate to contact us with any questions or to schedule an appointment. I look forward to hearing from you!
Kate Thomas, Owner of On Track Horsemanship
OTH Facilities