Horsemanship Clinics:

Horse-itude Resolved Clinic Get your happy horse back in one day. | Dates: July 8, 11, 15 22, 25, 29 August 5, 8, 12 16, 19, 30 September 6, 13, 16 October 4, 14, 17 21, 25, 28 November 11*discount vets 15, 18, 21 25, 29 | Time: 8am to Noon and lunch provided | Experience Level: Any Address the top two challenges you are facing with your horse under the careful guideance of our qualified coach, Kate Thomas, who has worked with a wide variety of horses in her career. | Cost: $125 |
Parents Clinic: Parents of Horse Crazy Kids | Dates: July 23 Aug 6 Sept 10 Oct 8 | Time: 8am to 11am | Experience Level: Novice to Intermediate Navigating the world of horses and making the best decisions for you and your child within the equine industry so that you can be confident your child excells with horses. | Cost: $100 |
Groundwork, Obstacles and Liberty Clinic: | Dates: July 19 Aug 27 Sept 9th Oct 7 Nov 4 | Time: 8am to 12pm and lunch provided | Experience Level: Any Geared for those who understand the basics of groundwork and who want to improve their communication skills from the ground; both on-line and at liberty. | Cost: $150 |
Horse-itude Resolved Clinic: Get your happy horse back in one day.
Are you having any of the following challenges with your horse and would like to get back on the right track with your horsemanship?
- Difficulty putting on the halter, bridle, or saddle?
- Won't stand still while mounting?
- Can't pick hooves?
- Can they be lead around like a well behaved dog?
- Having trouble collecting while riding?
- Are they dull to your leg or rein aids?
- Can you turn their hips, shoulders, or sidepass easily?
- Do they ignore your cues?
- Bolting issues?
- Catching issues?
- Can they stand tied patiently?
- Can they load into a trailer without a fight?
- Just want to understand or communicate with your horse better?
- Have other problems not listed?
- *We will NOT work with horses that BUCK or REAR during this clinic but we would happily schedule a private session to help you work through your bucking or rearing issues!* This is simply for the safety of all participants. Thank you for understanding!
- Please contact us prior to RSVPing for this clinic to discuss your specific issues!
Horse-itutde Resolved Clinic: You tell me what the top two challenges you are having with your horse and we will fix them together.
- Limited to 4 participants! Each participant must RSVP with their 2 priority challenges and have their horses proof of health certificates and negative coggins at least 48 hours in advance of the clinic date they wish to participate.
- Learn simple techniques that you can continue at home so that if we don't completely solve your challenges in one day, you will have the tools to continue improvements at home.
- Make new horse friends as you solve your challenges together.
- Deepen the bond with your horse.
- Get excited to work and play with your horse more.
- You'll have FUN and the satisfaction of working through your challenges under the careful guidence of an equine professional.
- If you are completely unsatisfied and see absolutely no improvement; we will refund 50% of your one-time clinic fee. (The other 50% goes towards the lunch provided and the time taken to try to help you solve your problems.)
- Lunch provided after 12pm. Come prepared to be a little flexible for your day in case we have too much fun playing with our horses.
Parents Clinic: Parents of Horse Crazy Kids
Geared for parents that have a child wanting to get into horses, but not sure where to start! No horse experience required to participate!
- Limited to 6 participants.
- Learn about the benefits of children working with horses.
- Learn about options to help your child get involved with horses.
- Learn how you can be involved whether or not you have the same love for horses as your child.
- Learn about basic care, equine bevahior, and a general understanding of what to except as you start to get invovled with horses.
- Learn about different classes of riding and what to look for when choosing an instructor or facility.
- Get to have fun doing some of the things your child might get to do in a camp or lesson!
Groundwork, Obstacles and Liberty Clinic:
Geared for those who understand the basics of groundwork and who want to improve their communication skills from the ground; both on-line and at liberty.
- Limited to 4 participants.
- Are you bored doing the same things with your horse? Do you want a new challenge? Do you feel stuck in any area of your horsemanship? Then this clinic might be for you!
- In depth behavior: emotions, actions and reactions from both the handler and the horse.
- Techniques for handling the rope, changing directions, and halting.
- Body Positioning, Focus, and Energy.
- Creating energy in the horse and calming the reactive horse.
- Walk, Trot, Canter and turns on a long line as well as in the roundpen.
- Building connections and giving the horse a voice using the roundpen.
- Introducing obstacles in a safe and fun manner.
- Refining your skills while navigating more challenging obstacles with confidence.
- Liberty play in the arena: Discovering how using body language, trust, and leadership can be used to guide your horse through a series of obstacles without ropes.
- Lunch provided after 12pm. Come prepared to be a little flexible for your day in case we have too much fun playing with our horses.
Clinic Reservations:
- To reserve your spot in a clinic, a non-refundable deposit of $50 is due 2 days prior to the start of the clinic.
- The remainder of the clinic fee is due prior to the start of the clinic.
- If you bring your own horse, you must provide a current proof of health certificate and a negative coggins.
- Please fill out our clinic and release form CLICK HERE and mail it to our ranch or email it to
- The remainder of the clinic fee is due prior to the start of the clinic.
- Scroll below to pay via paypal or credit card, but please note we charge an addition 3.5% for fees associated with card purchases.
About your Clinician Coach: Kate Thomas
Since 2007, Kate has trained many horses with behavioral problems including bolting, rearing, flipping over backwards, not standing still while being mounted, head tossing, pulling back when tied, crow hopping, spooking, and a few with bucking issues. She has also helped their owners understand the cause of these behaviors, how to overcome challenges, and how to be safer in unpredicable situations. Over the years, she has learned how to train horses to give to pressure, be confident in scary situations, look to their handler for leadership, and more; by putting herself in the horses shoes to understand their emotions and reactions to be able to train them with a kind and understanding perspective. In 2010, she started focusing on teaching lessons for all around horsemanship including how to handle a horse safely from the ground; to riding with a balanced and strong seat. She continues to help people with their own horses whether it be behavioral challenges, improving groundwork, or advancing riding skills. She also uses her own personal horses for lessons for those that don't have their own or for those that need a safe, relaible horse already knowledgeable in the skills she's aiming to teach. Kate strives to simplify and resolve the language barrier between horse and human so that you can strengthen the bond with your horse.
Training and Instruction History:
- 20+ Years Riding Horses (via Riding lessons as well as friends and personal horses)
- 20+ Years Owning a variety of horses.
- 15+ Years Training client and personal horses.
- 13+ Years Instructing riding lessons for both children and adults.
- 13+ Years Coaching people in the training of their own horses.
Some Examples of Groundwork exercises we aim to improve:
- Leading through Obstacles - Learn positioning to safely navigate obstacles, getting the horse to enter new obstacles calmly and trust your leadership.
- Advanced leading through obstacles - leading your horse through obstacles without a leadrope, shoulder turns, disengaging hindquarters, and ground tying.
- Roundpen Liberty - Get the horse to calmly and willingly circle you at a walk, trot and lope. Get a change of directions towards, and away from you. Building a relationship based on trust and leadership.
- Advanced Roundpen Liberty - Becoming subtle with your cues at the walk, trot, lope, turns, and back ups. Get advanced maneuvers such as sidesteps, full turns, correct pivots, straight back ups. Keeping the horse with you as you navigate patterns such as figure 8's, serpentines, barrels and more.
- Arena liberty - Navigate obstacles at a distance from your horse. Keeping your horse circling you at a walk, trot and lope without a leadrope.
- Stretching - Reap the benefits of stretching with your horse prior to training or riding. Learn which stretches to use, when to use them, and how long to hold the stretch.
- Tricks - Bow, Nod yes, Nod no, Come when Called (or whistled), Pick up something, and step up or down.
- And more.
Some Examples of Riding Tasks we aim to improve through exercises, games, and riding patterns:
- Core Strength and Balance
- Flexibility both for riders and horses
- Rein Management
- Finding the Rhythm
- Posting with & without stirrups
- Sitting the Trot
- Using Energy to increase or decrease speed
- Suppleness and Willingness
- Smooth Transitions
- Handling a Spook
- Picking up the correct canter lead
- Navigating obstacles with confidence
- Trust & Leadership Games
- And more.
Click here for the Clinic Registration and Waiver of Liability Form
- Payment for lessons are due at the time of the lesson. Payments not made by 7:00pm day of lesson shall encure a $40 late payment fee.
- Must pre-purchase package deals.
- ALL Packages expire 6 weeks after purchase date.
- To reschedule lessons, please notify us 48 hours in advance.
- Cancelation within 24 hours of scheduled lesson results in a $40 cancelation fee. This applies for private, group, or packaged lessons.
- No fee applies for weather related cancelations that are rescheduled within 7 days.
- During camp, we keep our student to instructor ratio small to ensure each student gets plenty of personalized instruction.
- Summer camp dates and times are subject to change.
- During summer camps, if the weather prohibits a full day, we try to reschedule on a Saturday or Monday nearest the camp.
- We do NOT offer refunds for weather related cancelations during camp weeks.
- Safety is our priority during camp. We move indoors during thunderstorms or inclement weather. We have equine literature and games for the rare indoor rainy days.
- Rescheduling of camps must be done 30 days prior to the start of camp and only if there is available space in another camp.
- Deposits for camp are non-refundable.
- The total balance of any of our summer camp programs are due 30 days prior to the start of your selected date of camp.
- Deposits for adult clinics are due 2 days prior to the start of a clinic.
- Deposits for adult clinics are non-refundable.
- Remainder of adult clinic fees are due prior to the start of a clinic.
- We accept credit cards ONLINE with a 3.5% service charge.
- We accept CASH and CHECK with no service charge!
- Sandles are NOT permitted around the horses; including spectators or parents of participants.
- Realease form must be signed to participate in equine activities.